Okemo Mountain School raises over $34,000 with its Okemo Ski and Snowboard Swap

This year’s Okemo Ski and Snowboard Swap had close to a record breaking year and raised over $34,000 for Okemo Mountain School.  The proceeds from the Swap will go towards operating costs in order to keep tuition as affordable as possible for all students.  The event was extremely well attended this year and customers seemed quite pleased with their purchases, finding outstanding deals on all sorts of new and used winter outdoor gear!

Mariel Meringolo, Head of School, would like to gratefully acknowledge all of volunteers who donated their time, as well as all of the mountain personnel who went above and beyond their normal duties to provide support to the event. Without all of the volunteers and the help of the mountain, the Ski Swap could never have been such a success.  Everyone’s efforts are greatly appreciated by the entire school community!

And since it is never too soon to look to the future, mark your calendars for the 2022 Okemo Ski and Snowboard Swap:  

Equipment Drop-off: November 12th, 13th, and 16th

Swap Open for Business: November 18th-20th   

Okemo Mountain School, celebrating 30 years in operation this winter, is a non-profit educational institution dedicated to the academic and athletic development of serious snow sports athletes.  Student athletes are given the opportunity to train in alpine ski racing, snowboarding or freestyle skiing, while pursuing a rigorous course of academic study.  Okemo Mountain School relies heavily on fundraisers like the Swap to help keep tuition affordable.  

For further information, please contact Ashley Belcher at abelcher@okemomountainschool.org or 802.228.1514. 

Ashley Billings
11th Annual OMS Benefit Golf Tournament 2021
Ashley Billings
Congratulations to Our 2021 OMS Graduates!

On March 27th, Okemo Mountain School held a small outdoor ceremony in celebration of our 2021 graduates! In a year of so much uncertainty, we are certain that these seniors will go far in life, no matter what they choose to do. Most of them have been with OMS for several years and we have seen much success and growth from them all. Congratulations to the Class of 2021 and best of luck in your future endeavors!

Graduating Seniors

Sarah Bassett - Alpine

Travis Blake - Freestyle

Eryll Brennan - Snowboard

Nina Fonash - Alpine

Brennan Hynes - Alpine

Patrick Young - Freestyle

“Oh, the places you’ll go!”

Plans for the future:

Sarah Bassett plans to attend Colby College in the fall with a major in Government with an international focus and Psychology. After college, Sarah plans to pursue a Master’s degree in Foreign Service and go on to work for the U.S. Government.

Travis Blake plans to attend college in the fall, but is undecided as to where.

Eryll Brennan plans to attend OMS as a post-grad athlete and help with the weekend program and taking video of our young athletes.

Nina Fonash plans to attend Penn State University with a major in Business and a minor in Italian. She is also planning to start her coaching certification and help with the Development program through the Tussey Mountain Alpine Racing Team.

Brennan Hynes is attending college in the fall, though is unsure as to where. He will be majoring in Sports Management and Marketing.

Patrick Young plans to continue his career in Skiercross at the FIS level. He will be training in Saas Fee this summer and attending OMS as a PG athlete next winter.

Nina Fonash- Alpine

Nina Fonash- Alpine

Eryll Brennan- Snowboard

Eryll Brennan- Snowboard

Patrick Young- Freestyle/Freeski

Patrick Young- Freestyle/Freeski

Sarah Bassett- Alpine

Sarah Bassett- Alpine

Travis Blake- Freestyle/Freeski

Travis Blake- Freestyle/Freeski

Brennan Hynes- Alpine

Brennan Hynes- Alpine

Graduation 2021: Travis Blake, Eryll Brennan, and Brennan HynesMissing: Sarah Bassett, Nina Fonash, and Patrick Young

Graduation 2021: Travis Blake, Eryll Brennan, and Brennan Hynes

Missing: Sarah Bassett, Nina Fonash, and Patrick Young

Ashley Billings
2021 Academic & Athletic Awards
2020 when we could all be together!

2020 when we could all be together!

It is hard to believe that we are ending another year without our in person Closing Ceremonies. However, we are so very grateful that we made it through the season healthy and successfully despite all of the hurdles that our student-athletes and staff had to overcome. In lieu of our typical Closing Ceremonies, please check out this virtual version to recognize our student-athletes and their accomplishments in the classroom and on snow!


Order of Ceremony

Academic Excellence Awards

Academic Excellence in Art

Academic Excellence in History

Academic Excellence in English

Academic Excellence in Mathematics

Academic Excellence in Science

Academic Excellence in Foreign Language

OMS Community (Spirit) Award

OMS Work Ethic Award

Head of School Awards

High School

Middle School

Staff Appreciation Awards

Teacher Appreciation

Coach Appreciation

Athletic Achievement Awards

Snowboarding Awards

Freestyle Skiing Awards

U12 Awards

U14 Awards

U16 Awards

U19/FIS Awards

Graduating Seniors

Sarah Bassett - Alpine

Travis Blake - Freestyle

Eryll Brennan - Snowboard

Nina Fonash - Alpine

Brennan Hynes - Alpine

Patrick Young - Freestyle


Academic Achievement Awards

Academic Excellence in Art

Presented by Betsy Johnson

Awarded to Riley Keane


Academic Excellence in History

Presented by Jillian Getman

Awarded to Tia Spenlinhauer


Academic Excellence in English

Presented by John Rushing

Awarded to Elyse Donaghue


Academic Excellence in Mathematics

Presented by Alison DesLauriers

Awarded to Ryan Thomson


Academic Excellence in Science

Presented by Terri Isidro

Awarded to Merina Visnic


Academic Excellence in Foreign Language

Presented by Ericka Priestley

Awarded to Ally van Heyst & Hanna Gilpin-Falk

OMS Community Spirit Award

Presented by Marissa Foote

Awarded to Matthew Burns

OMS Work Ethic Award

Presented by Steve Severson

Awarded to Graham Stein

Head of School Awards

The Head of School awards are given to a Middle School and a High School student-athlete who embody the qualities we most value in a student-athlete at Okemo Mountain School; they are hard-working, driven, self-motivated, disciplined, and kind.  These students display a strong sense of personal responsibility and are valuable contributors to the school community - on the hill, in the classroom, and beyond.   Each year the recipients of this award are nominated and voted upon by the OMS faculty and staff.  Both awards will be presented by the nominating faculty members.

U12/U14/Snowboard - Head of School Award

Presented by Wendy Hayward, Courtney Harvey, and Claire Stetson

Awarded to Sumner Orr

U16/U19/Freestyle - Head of School Award

Presented by Terri Isidro, Courtney Harvey, and Leslie Cassano

Awarded to Brady Spenlinhauer

Staff Appreciation Awards

These awards are nominated by student-athletes in support of the teacher and coach that they believe has gone above and beyond to make their experience at OMS successful.

Teacher Appreciation Award U12/U14/Snowboard Cohort

Presented by Otto Lichtensteiger, Jason O’Brien, Sumner Orr, Matthew Burns, Ally van Heyst, and Piper Keane

Awarded to Claire Stetson

Teacher Appreciation Award U16/U19/Freeski Cohort

Presented by Reilly Shea, Cole Firstbrook, Merina Visnic, Tia Spenlinhauer, Drew Visnic, and Elyse Donaghue

Awarded to Alison DesLauriers

Coach Appreciation Award

Presented by Mariel Meringolo

Awarded to Roger Kimball

Athletic Achievement Awards

Snowboarding Awards

Presented by Coach Luke Bonang & Coach Eddie Johnson

Male Most Improved Athlete: Jason O’Brien

Female Most Improved Athlete: Ally van Heyst

Style Master Award: Eryll Brennan

Rider of the Year: Sumner Orr


Freestyle Skiing Awards

Presented by Coach Mike Bruno

Female Most Improved: Emily Ahlcrona

Male Most Improved: Ethan Rosenberg

Coaches Award: Travis Blake

Skier of the Year: Connie Brogden


Alpine U12 Awards

Presented by Coach Mike Cronin

Athlete of the Year: Piper Keane

Female Most Improved: Lucy Robinson

Male Most Improved: Oliver Rivas

Heart and Perseverance: Chloe Blount

Philosopher’s Award: Ryan Boyle

Coaches Award: Matthew Burns


Alpine U14 Awards

Presented by Coach Jet Robbins

Female Skier of the Year: Emma van Heyst

Female Most Improved: Katie Boyle

Female Coaches Award: Riley Keane

Male Skier of the Year: Alec Fonash

Male Most Improved: Dillon Poodiack

Male Coaches Award: Sam Rotermund


Alpine U16 Awards

Presented by Coach Bobby Jones, Chris Hurka

Male Outstanding Skier of the Year: Cole Firstbrook

Female Most Improved Skier: Olivia Weeple

Male Most Improved Skier: Quinn Torre

Female Outstanding Skier of the Year: Merina Visnic

Male Coaches Awards: Carter Robinson


Alpine U19/FIS Awards

Presented by Coach John Tyler and Coach Roger Kimball

Male Outstanding Skier Awards: Drew Visnic and Ryan Thomson

Female Most Improved Skier Award: Elyse Donaghue

Male Most Improved Skier Award: Will Kallman

Female Coaches Award: Reilly Shea

Male Coaches Award: Bobby Eilers

Female Persistence Award: Sarah Bassett


Graduating Seniors

Okemo Mountain School has several seniors this year that have been with us throughout their winter athletic careers and have had many accomplishments along the way! Congratulations to you all!

Sarah Bassett - Alpine

Travis Blake - Freestyle

Eryll Brennan - Snowboard

Nina Fonash - Alpine

Brennan Hynes - Alpine

Patrick Young - Freestyle

Check back soon for a full recap of our graduating seniors!

See you next season!

Ashley Billings
OMS 2020 Campaign for Our Community

As we wrap up another successful season, though one with many challenges and hurdles, we would like to give a BIG thank you to all of those that contributed to the 2020 Campaign for Our Community. Our goal was to raise $100,000, but with so much support from our community, we were able to fly past our goal and raise $130,000! Our athletes’ success was made possible in part by the generous contributions to Campaign for Our Community, our annual appeal aimed at elevating our programs and continually providing more for all of Okemo’s snow sports athletes. We so gratefully acknowledge the support of everyone who donated to the 2020 Campaign for our Community and hope we can count on your support in 2021!



Triple Black Diamond
$10,000 and over

The Mueller Family
Gary Grainger

Double Black Diamond
$5,000 - $9,999

Josh & Lucy Kampf

Black Diamond
$2,500 - $4,999

The Stein Family
Ramsey & Suzanne Goodrich
The Young Family

Blue Square
$1,000 - $2,499

Alison & Jim Kallman
The Lovejoy Family
William Raveis Vermont Properties
Katie & Wally Gregory
The Buchichio Family
Richard & Margaret White
Peter Ronan
The Tobin-Greenberg Family
Daniel & Diane Keating
David & Victoria Yurkerwich
The Cherasia Family
Erica & Gavin Sollberger
The van Heyst Family
The Doolittle Family
Robbin Price
Sheelagh & Russell Thomson
The Caruso Family
The Hambsch Family
The Dwyer Family
The Bassett Family
The Provance Family
Benison & Ricarte Family
Gassetts Group Design Construction
The Shea Family
Mark Curran & Margaret Straub

Green Circle
$500 - $999

The Sherman Family
The Mecane Family
Carol & Simon Roe
The Burton Family
The Rosenberg Family
The Orr Family
Jack Ryan
The Trainer Family
Kieran & Kristin Fitzgibbon
The Poodiack Family
The Blount Family
The Visnic Family

$1 - $499

The Valentine Family
The Wiederecht Family
The DiNapoli Family
The Murray Family
Eb Kinney
George & Bonnie Watts
Patrice Fortier
The Berk-Silverman Family
The Baum Family
The Schmidt Family
Springfield Animal Hospital
The Black Family
The Mohan Family
Sean Owen
Tobi Britton
Elyse Donaghue
Carole Greenberg
The Rotermund Family
Steve & Michelle Ahlcrona
The Nelson Family
The Robinson Family
Leslie & Marc Stuart
The Gilpin-Falk Family
Carol & Charlie Robbins
The Selleck Family
Charlotte & Steve Weeple
Marissa Foote & Chris Miklave
Tom & Carol Werthan
The McCusker Family
Kate & Ryan Foster
Kristin Okesson
The Killian Family
Eliza Greene
The Tatko Family
Fox Run Golf Club
Pete, Heidi & Andrew Gil
The Naser Family
Debra Staniscia
Courtney & Michael Ruggiero
John Munch

Joey Snowboard.jpg
Patrick Freestyle credit David Richardson @bigphatphotos.jpeg
Ashley Billings
OMS Winter Festival 2021: THANK YOU!
OMS Winter Fest.png

Our 11th Annual Okemo Mountain School Winter Festival looked a little different this year as a virtual event, however, we still raised over $47,000! This was made possible through donated auction items, our campaign sponsors, and of course those who attended the live Zoom event! We would also like to give a special thank you to local musician, Sammy Blanchette, for providing live music for our online event. Thank you to everyone who continues to support our school and student-athletes! We hope to see you back for an in-person event next year!

Winter Festival sponsors

World Cup Crystal Globe:
The Mueller Family
The Thompson Family Foundation

Olympic Gold Level:

The Young Family and The Stein Family
Mary W. Davis Realty
William Raveis Vermont Properties

Olympic Silver Level:
The Monks Family
The Lovejoy Family
The Berk-Silverman Family

Olympic Bronze Level:

The Tobin Family, The Yurkerwich Family, and The Visnic Family

Winter Festival Auction Donors

Diane Mueller
Camp Cody
Alison Kallman
Jeanine Baum
Elaine Ittleman
Jet Robbins
Rich White
Sophie Caldwell Hamilton
Northern Ski Works
Crown Point Country Club
Marc Stuart
Paw Lodge
Knight Tubs, Pools and Spas
Roger Kimball
Clear Lake Furniture
Homestyle Hostel
The Woodstock Inn
Manchester Woodcraft
Julia Ford
3 Graces
The Cookster
Blue Sky Trading Post
The Silver Spoon & The Depot Street Gallery
Pearson Neal
Riverledge Farm
Singleton’s General Store
Smugglers’ Notch
Joe Karl
The Hatchery
Russ Hurlburt Photography
Wicked Clear Ice
The Hoffman Family
Halladay’s Flowers & Gifts
The Downtown Grocery
Brewfest Beverage
the Killarney
Kristin Okesson
Killington Resort and Pico Mountain
Sydscompufix Computer Repair
Carnegie Prep
Vermont Barns
Mojo Cafe
Totem Pole
Betsy Johnson
The Vermont Country Store
The Boot Pro
Carol Roe
Steve Hambsch
Lily Ford: It Can Be Healthy
Allison and Greg Stowell
Barre Pinske and Belinda Maggioli
Walden Hill Farm
Outer Limits Brewing
Aviela Berk
Hickory and Tweed
Stemwinder/Wine & Cheese Depot

Check back for next year’s event!

Ashley Billings
2020 OMS Ski & Snowboard Swap Recap!

Another year has come to a close with the the Annual OMS Ski & Snowboard Swap! While we missed seeing everyone at the normal event, we are grateful to those that still donated items or spent time shopping the Swap!

The OMS Ski & Snowboard Swap is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year; one that we rely heavily on to raise money to allow us to continue supporting our student-athletes. Last year we were able to raise over $29,000 and this year we have raised just over $3,000. For those of you that didn’t have a chance to shop the Swap or would like to support OMS further, we have decided to keep the sale open awhile longer! To shop the Swap, click HERE! To receive 40% off of your order, use code OMS2020 at checkout!

If you would like to support OMS in a different way, we are nearing the end of our annual appeal, the Campaign For Our Community, and are still taking donations! We are about $15,000 away from meeting our goal of $50,000 to receive a matching donation from the Mueller family. Click HERE to donate to the Campaign today!

Thank you again to everyone that has supported OMS throughout this crazy and difficult year! We hope to see you back at the Annual OMS Ski & Snowboard Swap next year!

Ashley Billings
10th Annual OMS Benefit Golf Tournament 2020

We had a successful OMS Benefit Golf Tournament last weekend at Crown Point Country Club! In spite of COVID-19 and the changes we had to make, we still had beautiful weather, supporters ready to golf, and had a generous amount of support from our sponsors! Thank you to everyone that joined us or donated!

2020 Sponsors:
The Mueller Family
William Raveis Vermont Properties
Wright Construction
Vermont Orthopedic Clinic
Total Marine
Vermont Foam Insulation
Diamond Realty
Knight Tubs and Spas
Okemo Mountain Resort/Vail Resorts/Epic Promise
Morgan Stanley
Alpine Earthworks
Four Season's Sotheby's International Realty
Mountain Cycology
Banwell Architects
Marvin Windows & Doors
Burns & Associates
Lori Ford Custom Outdoor Gear
Lead Change Racing
Brewfest Beverage Co.
Cota & Cota
Timber Inn Motel
Ted Stryhas Builder
ClearLake Furniture
The Yurkerwich Family
The Visnic Family
The Baum Family
The Kelleher Family
Chris & Liz Hynes
The Sherman Family

Ashley Billings
A note from the OMS Head of School in response to the tragic death of George Floyd

It has been one week since George Floyd was killed, and I believe he deserves our attention and action.  Therefore, I join other educational, community, and government leaders and organizations, in speaking up to reject this violence and, further, to reject the other recent race related tragedies.  It is particularly striking and upsetting to me that these tragedies continue even as much of our country remains in a semi-lockdown state with life “on pause” for so many.

As a community that seeks to foster a sense of belonging, I feel that we cannot stand by and allow our national community to be one that fosters a sense of belonging only for the privileged few. It is critical that we reflect on our own personal biases and work to face those head on, recognize them, and wrestle with them. Personally, I’ve been working on this.  Have the hard discussions within your own heart and in your home.  Then, and only then, can we move forward with affecting real change in our community and beyond.

Violence towards Black people must end, and it is incumbent on those in privileged positions to become educated and act. Fellow OMS community members, let us recognize our privilege and use its power for good. Because we are largely sheltered and separated from the impacts of the violence that ensues, because most of us don’t see it first hand, it is even more important that we do not turn a blind eye. Find trusted resources and learn more about the systemic racism that plagues our country and what you can do to help dismantle it.  I’m keeping my eyes wide open and learning too.  Please feel free to reach out to me to engage in discussion, and in the meantime be well and be safe.

Ashley Billings
OMS Alumni Spotlight: Anna Valentine

Anna began her time at Okemo Mountain School in the 7th grade continuing through high school and graduated in 2018. While at OMS, Anna was one of our top female snowboard riders and during her senior year was named to the U.S. Rookie Snowboard Team. 

Anna is currently attending the Colorado School of Mines with a major in Geophysical Engineering. While she chose not to continue snowboarding competitively, she still enters some banked slalom races for fun! Anna also works as a backcountry ski and snowboard guide for her school, allowing her to get out on the snow as much as possible!

How did OMS prepare you for the real world?

“I had to learn time management and personal accountability; those really helped me out when I got to college.”

What is your fondest memory of OMS?

“I can’t name one specific one! I really loved when we had a huge girl crew; training with them was definitely my favorite and most progressive winters while attending OMS.”

What is your biggest piece of advice for current or future OMS student-athletes?

“Enjoy and use your time on the hill!!! It can be a lot harder to come by once you get to college or your career. Put in place quality habits for lifetime fitness and health and stick to them after you graduate.”

Ashley Billings
Okemo Mountain School & Ludlow Police Department Support Local Families
Ashley Belcher, Mariel Meringolo, Carol Roe completing food drop offs.

Ashley Belcher, Mariel Meringolo, Carol Roe completing food drop offs.

Chief Jeffrey Billings delivering food to families.

Chief Jeffrey Billings delivering food to families.

Over 35 Ludlow families received care packages last week of food and essential items to help support them during the COVID-19 crisis. The pandemic has caused much turmoil all over the world, but we are also seeing it in our local community with the loss of jobs, especially surrounding the hospitality business, which is so very important in our area.

The Ludlow Police Department started the initiative at the beginning of April by supporting a few families, but as the need grew, Okemo Mountain School jumped on board to raise money. With the idea stemming from OMS parent, Carol Roe, they began the Virtual Backyard 5K Walk/Run. The 5K was publicized as being able to complete it anywhere, which led to participation not only in the local Ludlow community, but in Long Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and beyond. It is clear that Ludlow and its full-time residents are held near and dear to many hearts.

The Virtual Backyard 5K required a $20 registration fee and the opportunity to make additional donations, which many participants took part in. Okemo Mountain School ended up raising almost $2800 over a two week period, all of which was donated directly to the Ludlow Police Department for the purchase of food and supplies.

The Ludlow Police Department and Okemo Mountain School would also like to say a special thank you to Knight Tubs Pools & Spas who made a direct donation to the cause, Terry Fortuna and the Fortuna Family for helping to organize the package drop offs and purchasing of food, Thomas Dairy for donating milk at wholesale prices, and Okemo Mountain/Vail Resorts for donating an abundance of Gatorade.

Thank you to everyone that participated in the Virtual Backyard 5K and made donations. Your generosity made a big difference to many families within the Ludlow Community!

If you would still like to make a donation, the Ludlow Police Department will continue supporting families in any way they can during the COVID-19 crisis and can still take direct donations.


Rivas Family Virtual Backyard 5K

Rivas Family Virtual Backyard 5K

OMS Head of School, Mariel Meringolo, and family completing Virtual Backyard 5K

OMS Head of School, Mariel Meringolo, and family completing Virtual Backyard 5K

Carol & Henry Roe completing Virtual Backyard 5K

Carol & Henry Roe completing Virtual Backyard 5K

Ashley Billings
2020 Closing Ceremonies

As always, the winter season has flown by, however, this year didn’t end the way we expected. Even so, we have still had a lot of accomplishments achieved by our student-athletes both on and off of the hill that we would like to celebrate! In lieu of our typical Closing Ceremonies, please check out this virtual version to recognize our student-athletes and seniors.


Order of Ceremony

Head of School Welcome

Academic Excellence Awards

Academic Excellence in Art

Academic Excellence in History

Academic Excellence in English

Academic Excellence in Mathematics

Academic Excellence in Science

Academic Excellence in Foreign Language

Head of School Awards

High School

Middle School

Staff Appreciation Awards

Teacher Appreciation

Coach Appreciation

Athletic Achievement Awards

Snowboarding Awards

Freestyle Skiing Awards

U12 Awards

U14 Awards

U16 Awards

U19 Awards

Graduating Seniors

Katy Buckley - Snowboarding

Joey Okesson - Snowboarding

Head of School Welcome

Thank you to Our Teachers

Presented by Leslie Cassano and Ericka Priestley


Academic Achievement Awards

Academic Excellence in Art

Presented by Maura Cornish

Awarded to Katie Boyle


Academic Excellence in History

Presented by Sabrina Easton

Awarded to Sarah Bassett


Academic Excellence in English

Presented by Sabrina Easton

Awarded to Merina Visnic


Academic Excellence in Mathematics

Presented by Steve Severson

Awarded to Katy Buckley


Academic Excellence in Science

Presented by Stevie Bartenstein

Awarded to Brennan Hynes


Academic Excellence in Foreign Language

Presented by Ashley Belcher and Given by Heidi Gilpin

Awarded to Ryan Thomson

Head of School Awards

The Head of School awards are given to a Middle School and a High School student-athlete who embody the qualities we most value in a student-athlete at Okemo Mountain School; they are hard-working, driven, self-motivated, disciplined, and kind.  These students display a strong sense of personal responsibility and are valuable contributors to the school community - on the hill, in the classroom, and beyond.   Each year the recipients of this award are nominated and voted upon by the OMS faculty and staff.  Both awards will be presented by the nominating faculty members.

High School Head of School Award

Presented by Roger Kimball

Awarded to Reilly Shea

Middle School Head of School Award

Presented by Thom Serrani

Awarded to Graham Stein

Staff Appreciation Awards

These awards are nominated by student-athletes in support of the teacher and coach that they believe has gone above and beyond to make their experience at OMS successful.

Teacher Appreciation Award

Presented by Brennan Hynes, Sarah Bassett, and Owen Benison

Awarded to Horacio Travaglini, Spanish

Coach Appreciation Award

Presented by Mariel Meringolo

Awarded to Tylan Calcagni

Athletic Achievement Awards

Snowboarding Awards

Presented by OMS Snowboard Coaches, Jack Mitrani (X Games Host), Kevin Pearce (OMS Alum/08’ TTR World Champ), Danny Davis (2x X Games Gold Champion), and Louis Vito (2010 Olympic Team Member)

Knitty & Gritty Award: Sumner Orr

Male Most Improved Athlete: Caleb Kampf

Female Most Improved Athlete: Katy Buckley

Rider of the Year: Joey Okesson


Freestyle Skiing Awards

Presented by Coach Mike Bruno

Most Improved: Liam Brogden

Coaches Award: Patrick Young

Skier of the Year: Travis Blake


Alpine U12 Awards

Presented by Coach Mike Cronin

Most Improved: Hanna Gilpin-Falk

Coaches Award: Fiona Rivas

Athlete of the Year: Alyssa Lux


Alpine U14 Awards

Presented by Coach Jet Robbins

Female Skier of the Year: Bridget Waters

Male Skiers of the Year: Graham Stein and Sam Hambsch

Female Most Improved: Riley Keane

Male Most Improved: Tyler Lovejoy

Female Coaches Award: Katie Boyle

Male Coaches Award: Carter Robinson


Alpine U16 Awards

Presented by Coach Roger Kimball

Male Most Improved Awards: Joe Flaherty and Michael Caruso

Male Outstanding Athletes: Josh Rosenberg, Ryan Thomson, and Will Kallman

Male Coaches Awards: Brady Spenlinhauer and Cole Firstbrook

Male Special Mention: Freddie Brogden

Female Most Improved Award: Jenna Mirabile

Female Outstanding Athlete: Merina Visnic

Female Coaches Award: Reilly Shea

Female Special Mentions: Brooke Bergendahl, Olivia Weeple, and Tia Spenlinhauer


Alpine U19 Awards

Presented by Coach Bobby Jones and Coach Roger Kimball

Female Coaches Award: Sarah Bassett

Male Most Improved Award: Brennan Hynes

Male Outstanding Athlete Award: Drew Visnic


Graduating Seniors

Okemo Mountain School has two 2020 seniors ; Katy Buckley and Joey Okesson. Both Katy and Joey have been an essential part of the OMS Snowboard Team.

To learn more about Katy and Joey’s experiences at OMS, check out our OMS 2020 Senior blog!

We with you both the best in your future endeavors!

Graduation Presented by Mariel Meringolo


See you next season!

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Ashley Billings
OMS 2020 Seniors

Okemo Mountain School has two 2020 seniors ; Katy Buckley and Joey Okesson. Both Katy and Joey have been an essential part of the OMS Snowboard Team.

Katy Buckley- Senior Photo

Katy Buckley- Senior Photo

Katy Buckley

Katy Buckley

Katy Buckley

Katy Buckley has been with OMS for the past two seasons, however, she competed with the Okemo Competition Center prior to that. She decided that it was in her best interest to attend OMS in order to have more time to train, which is her favorite part about being a student-athlete. She has also loved traveling for competitions and being a part of the team.

Not only is Katy a successful snowboarder, she is also a great student! Katy is a student at Black River High School where she is top in her class and received the Green and Gold Scholarship to attend the University of Vermont next year. She will be majoring in Psychology in the hopes of moving onto earning her Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology. Katy has shown an innate ability to balance athletics and her schoolwork this year by training on the hill everyday, taking classes at OMS, and taking college courses at the Community College of Vermont. There is no doubt that Katy will be successful in anything she chooses to do with her future!

What OMS Taught Katy: “I have learned how to adapt my assignments to my learning style.”

Katy’s Advice for Future Student-Athletes: “Stay on top of your assignments!”

Joey Okesson

Joey Okesson started attending OMS at the age 11, first training only during his school breaks and later attending the OMS Winter Term.  As he continued to progress, Joey decided to attend a full year winter sports academy during his sophomore year, where he stayed for 2 years. As Joey put it, “After 2 years, I felt as though something in my competitive career was missing. I missed OMS and the people who supported me so much.  Luke, Tuna, Eddie, and Tyler all contributed in their own ways something very special to my riding. The combination of these coaches was what held my confidence and pure enjoyment of the sport. Going into my senior year, I made the decision to come back to the backbone of my snowboarding, and I know I made the right decision. I do not regret leaving OMS, as it made me appreciate the special connection I had with these coaches, as well as the OMS community as a whole.”

This season, Joey competed in the Burton U.S. Open. Joey entered the Open as an alternate, but ended up earning 5th place in the Finals! This is a major feat in itself, but even more so for a first time competitor. Ashley Belcher, OMS Assistant to the Head of School said that, “All OMS student-athletes were on the edge of their seats during their classes throughout the semi finals and showed an outpouring of love for their teammate and friend throughout the finals.”

Even though Joey has had some exciting memories with OMS, his favorite is a throwback to when he was 11 and in his first year at OMS;  “A senior at the time, Bryce Langille, talked all year about hitting a specific rail at Killington because of how cool he thought it looked. We took a trip to Killington late in the year, and when the time came Bryce knew what he came to do. He hit the rail and broke his arm. Despite the horrific event of breaking his arm, Bryce and I could not stop laughing as this was all he wanted to do the entire year. The crew of older student-athletes at OMS when I was younger made for some of my most fond memories of my time at OMS.”

Although Joey is a senior, he has no intention of giving up his dream of being a professional snowboarder anytime soon. He plans to continue competing next year and will hopefully be training with the U.S. Snowboard Team in the hopes of a spot in the 2022 Winter Olympics. Joey believed that this year was a turning point for him in his snowboarding career and that his involvement in OMS was essential to his success. 

Joey’s Advice for Future Student-Athletes: “My advice to future student-athletes would be to appreciate and enjoy every second of your time at OMS. It is a truly unique experience and it taught me about an effective work ethic. Although many of the student-athletes at OMS are still kids, you are taught from the start that if you want something you need to work, the right way, for it. Hard work will end up paying off and the community is there to support you in your endeavors.”

Joey Okesson competes in Burton US Open

Joey Okesson competes in Burton US Open

My favorite thing about OMS is how supportive and caring the coaches and teachers are. It is clear they look at their jobs beyond the objective of doing the bare minimum. I felt the enthusiasm and genuine spirits of those who were around to support me in any way possible.
— Joey Okesson, Snowboard
Joey Okesson

Joey Okesson

While we are sad to see Katy and Joey graduate, they will always be a part of the OMS family. They have not only grown as student-athletes and young adults, but they have also helped shape the OMS community and have consistently been great role models for our younger student-athletes. On behalf of the Okemo Mountain School faculty and staff, we wish you both the best! Make sure you stay in touch and come back to visit!

Ashley Billings
Alumni Spotlight: Dolores White
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Dolores started Okemo Mountain School as an alpine athlete in 2013 and continued through to her graduation in 2017. 

Dolores is currently a junior at the University of Connecticut and majoring in Marketing. While at OMS, Dolores began her journey into marketing by running our school store and managing uniform orders. This was only the beginning of her proving that she was and is a true go-getter, always putting 100% into everything she does. 

Dolores has continued to race throughout her college career on the Club Ski Team at UCONN. The team competes in the MacConnell division of USCSA and is currently competing in the USCSA Nationals at Whiteface this week! Dolores is the CFO of the team, carrying on her innate ability to be a great leader.

After speaking to OMS faculty, they still remember Dolores fondly. Dolores’ English teacher, John Rushing remembers that, “she liked that Romeo said banish-ed instead of banished, she thought it was stupid how Daisy cried about Gatsby’s shirts, she couldn’t stop laughing whenever my ceiling light timer clicked off and the room would get dark, and she used to enter my class by announcing, ‘It is I’.” Dolores always made a positive impact on her teachers, coaches, and peers.

How did OMS prepare you for the real world?

“OMS taught me how to manage my time effectively, as well as be very responsible and self-sufficient at a young age.”

What is your fondest memory of OMS?

“French class with Aude and traveling for races!”

What is your biggest piece of advice for current or future OMS student-athletes?

“Don’t take your time at OMS for granted because it is the most fun you’ll ever have and keep skiing in college!”

Ashley Billings
OMS Students Compete at Burton U.S. Open
Sumner Orr, Tommy Okesson, Joey Okesson

Sumner Orr, Tommy Okesson, Joey Okesson

Sumner Orr, Coach Luke Bonang, Tommy Okesson

Sumner Orr, Coach Luke Bonang, Tommy Okesson

Okemo Mountain School and the Okemo Competition Center were well represented in the 2020 Burton U.S. Open, February 24 to 29. Two young riders, Tommy Okesson and Sumner Orr, and one senior athlete, Joey Okesson, traveled to Vail, Colo., to compete in the Junior Jam and Pro Pipe events. Tommy Okesson and Orr competed in the Junior Jam comprised of an invited field of 16 of the world’s best up-and-coming halfpipe riders under the age of 15. The pipe build this year varied from the traditional 22-foot construction; it was a modified pipe which consisted of a 13-foot pipe that rolled into a traditional 22-foot superpipe. The course setup was challenging for some, but both boys adapted quickly during practice and were able to put together some creative lines and tricks on event day. Tommy Okesson ended up in ninth place with some stylish airs, smooth spins, and a mctwist. Orr made an impression with his mctwist (runner-up for Best Trick) and had some of the highest airs and spins of the day. 

Joey Okesson, an OMS student-athlete in his senior year, was able to secure a number 2 alternate spot in the Pro Division. He received a last-minute call from Burton’s Head of Events to invite him to compete with the top athletes in the snowboard industry. The Pro semifinals took place under bluebird skies with spring temperatures with a star-studded lineup of the world’s best pipe riders that included Scotty James (AUS), Yuto Totsuka (JAP), and Danny Davis (USA). Okesson was one of the first to drop and handled the pipe with ease with one of his stock runs that put him in the middle of the field. He nailed his last run, placed seventh and qualified for the finals!

In the finals, the format switched from a two-run format to a three-run format and Okesson’s first two runs were technical and full of big tricks, but he was unable to stand up on his last hit, a frontside 1080. With one run left and immense pressure going into his last and final run, Okesson was able to put down one of the most impressive runs of the day, starting with a skate-influenced upper section in the mini pipe, followed by some of the highest airs of the day with a massive double crippler, followed by a super smooth back nine, and he punctuated the run with a soaring front-side 1080. With a high score of an 84.6, Okesson ultimately placed fifth and was the top American finisher at the event.

Joey Okesson competes in Burton U.S. Open

Joey Okesson competes in Burton U.S. Open

Ashley Billings
An OMS Success Story: Drew Visnic

Drew Visnic is a veteran of the Okemo Competition Center program, as well as OMS. He has been with OMS since he was in 6th grade and a part of the weekend program since starting Hopefuls at the age of 6. From a young age it was evident that Drew could be successful in ski racing if he worked hard and continued his love for the sport. Drew entered the program in Hopefuls, but the following year tried out to move onto J6s and succeeded in making the jump. Drew even remembers completing the try out with OMS Head of School, Mariel Meringolo. At the time, Drew was one of the youngest racers, which only pushed him to try harder.

Drew looks back on his younger years of racing fondly. He began racing with other OMS students early on including Brennan Hynes, Freddie Brogden, Jenna Mirabile, and many others. Throughout that time, he has been able to build some of his closest relationships and shared countless memories on and off the hill. Not only has Drew made friends, but he has also formed close relationships with coaches and teachers throughout his years at Okemo and OMS. He remembers having OMS U12 Coach, Mike Cronin, for several years as a young racer, along with many other coaches, all of which helped build the athlete he is today. At OMS, Drew has also had several of the same teachers year after year, which has improved his academics and helped keep him on track. 

Drew is now a U19 and this season is his first racing at the FIS level. Earlier in the week, Drew competed at Sugarbush in a two day FIS open series scoring both days.  Once the points list renews, his GS points will drop to 83.9. At the race on Monday, Drew was the top US 2003 Year of Birth finisher. Drew has also been successful in slalom. Due to two awesome races at Mittersill earlier in February, Drew has 81 FIS SL points. 

Drew has made awesome progress this season, especially as his first season racing FIS. To already be sub-100 in both SL and GS is great progress and sets him up well going forward!

Interview with Drew

What makes you love ski racing?

Ski racing is fun and versatile and being at OMS allows me to not only train, but I get to experience powder days and freeski days by having more time on snow.

What is your biggest accomplishment thus far?

Last year I won the slalom at the Vermont State Championships, which was an awesome experience. 

How do you think OMS has helped make you the person and athlete you are today?

As an athlete, I have had extra training to become the best I can be. OMS in general has taught me how to be organized from a young age and I became way better at time management.

Where do you see your future in ski racing going?

If I continue ski racing in college, I would want to go out west to a school.

Ashley Billings
OMS Winter Festival 2020
Festival invite 2020-01.jpg

Our 10th Annual Okemo Mountain School Winter Festival was the most successful to date, raising almost $49,000! This was made possible through donated silent auction items, our campaign sponsors, and of course those who attended the event! We would also like to give a special thank you to The Cowbell Band and OMS Dad, Pete Doolittle, for the amazing entertainment! Thank you to everyone who continues to support our school and student-athletes!

Winter Festival Campaign Donors

World Cup Crystal Globe:
The Mueller Family
Okemo Mountain Resort and Vail Resorts EpicPromise

Olympic Gold Level:
The Young Family
Mary W. Davis Realty
William Raveis Vermont Properties

Olympic Silver Level:
The Monks Family
The Visnic Family
Steffany and Pete Doolittle
The Tobin Family
The Rosenberg Family
The Stein Family
The Maggioli Family

Olympic Bronze Level:
The Kelleher Family
The Yurkerwich Family
Dan and Diane Keating
The Nelson Family
The Dwyer Family


Winter Festival Restaurant Sponsors

Stemwinder and A Catered Affair
The Killarney
Plymouth Artisan Cheese
Goodman’s American Pie


Winter Festival Silent Auction Donors

A Catered Affair
Allison and Jim Kallman
Barre Pinske
Belinda Maggioli
Bobby Jones
Brewfest Beverage
Camp Cody
Cavendish Canine Camp
Cindy and Mike Visnic
Clear Lake Furniture
Deanna Mirabile
Depot Street Gallery
Diane Mueller
Drew’s Organics
Frank Provance
Free Range
Geoff and April Stein
Go With The Flow Yoga
Halladay’s Harvest Barn
Harry’s Cafe
Heather Grier
Homestyle Hostel
Jen Blount
Jet Robbins
Joe Karl
Julia Ford
La Tavola Italiana
Marc Stuart
Michael Tobin
Mojo’s Cafe
Mr. Darcy’s
Murdock’s on the Green
Northern Ski Works
Outer Limits Brewing
Rich White
Roger Kimball
Russ Hurlburt Photography
Sam’s Steakhouse
Steve Hambsch
T2B Fitness
The Boot Pro
The Cookster
The Downtown Grocery
The Hatchery
The Hoffman Family
Tygart Mountain Sports
Vermont Barns
Vermont Flannel Company
Victor Rivas
Wine and Cheese Depot
Woodstock Inn and Resort

Okemo Mountain Resort and Vail Resorts EpicPromise

Ashley Billings
Alumni Spotlight: Laura Grzyb (Blackman)
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Laura attended Okemo Mountain School from 2001-2003 as a freestyle athlete. Following OMS, Laura attended Montana State University and received a BFA in Graphic Design. She also competed for a year with the Bridger Bowl Freestyle team in Bozeman, Montana. 

After college, Laura began a career with Simms Fishing Products in Product Design and Development. After she left Simms, she became a contract employee for other outdoor, hunting, and fishing product apparel companies. While Laura isn’t on the east coast anymore, she is still living her best life in the mountains of Montana. Laura and her husband own and operate Bozeman Fishing Lodge, a fly fishing lodge and outfitting business in Bozeman, Montana. 

How did OMS prepare you for the real world?

“During my time at OMS, I learned to work hard and be multifaceted. I found that being trusted at a young age by my coaches and parents allowed me to gain confidence. Skiing in general has given me a wonderful network of friends throughout the country. Skiing has also given me a foundation for relationships and has led me to my best friends, a healthy, active lifestyle and community, and a strong professional network.”

What is your fondest memory of OMS?

“I have very fond memories of a close-knit team. I also have super fond memories of traveling all over the country to compete. It was eye opening to see what this country has to offer.” 

What is your biggest piece of advice for current or future OMS student-athletes?

“Don’t get wrapped up in social drama. Be an individual! Just because a teammate is doing something, that doesn’t mean it’s good for you (vice versa). Listen to your heart and work hard.”

Ashley Billings
OMS Snowboarders Compete in Mammoth!
Margie Black

Margie Black

Sumner Orr

Sumner Orr

Joey taking on the polar challenge in a glacial lake!

Joey taking on the polar challenge in a glacial lake!

OMS snowboarders Sumner Orr, Margie Black, and Katy Buckley all headed to Mammoth last week to train and compete in the Toyota US Revolution Tour- a FIS Noram halfpipe event. The crew then met up with Joey Okesson, fresh off his 11th place World Cup finish at the US Grand Prix.

The training weather worked in everyone's favor with four spectacular days of "sunny and sick" pipe training with coach, Luke Bonang. On event day, the Mammoth "wind tunnel" swept in and the decision was made to hold the women's event and cancel the men's pipe event for safety precautions. In a heavy field of national and international riders, Margie narrowly missed a top ten finish and senior, Katy Buckley, landed in 15th place. The girls rode well in very challenging weather and conditions and landed their runs. 

During the week off the hill, the crew was able to experience some of the beautiful landmarks of the Eastern Sierras which included a trip to the infamous Hilltopper dessert hot spring and a polar challenge dip into a very, very cold Convict Lake. Despite the inclement weather on event day, the trip was truly a success! 

Joey Okesson

Joey Okesson

We went to the hot springs, where we met the man in the background. He is originally from Vermont, but moved to the Sierra’s in 1969. He taught the athlete’s a lot of knowledge about the area!

We went to the hot springs, where we met the man in the background. He is originally from Vermont, but moved to the Sierra’s in 1969. He taught the athlete’s a lot of knowledge about the area!

Quick stop at the beach on the way back to Vermont!

Quick stop at the beach on the way back to Vermont!

Ashley Billings
Alumni Spotlight: Connor Davis
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Connor attended Okemo Mountain School from 2005-2008 as an alpine athlete. While he didn’t graduate from OMS, he did spend his middle school years with us, as well as grew up participating in the Okemo Competition Center program.

Connor attended the University of Denver as a Journalism Major with a Communications Minor. While he enjoyed college, a big draw to Colorado was due to being able to ski. In fact, Connor stacked his classes, so that he was able to ski 5 days a week!

After college, Connor became an editor at FREESKIER magazine, which allowed him to travel the globe and write about the ins and outs of skiing. He also spent time back in Ludlow as a realtor working for his family’s business, Mary Davis Real Estate. Today, Connor is a Copywriter at Garrand Moehlenkamp, an ad agency in Portland, Maine. He also does a lot of freelance writing for publications like Outside Magazine, SKI Magazine, Warren Miller Entertainment, and many others. Be on the lookout for one of Connor’s great pieces!

How did OMS prepare you for the real world?

“Juggling a busy schedule and finding time to do the things you love is a unique skillset. I learned that very early on thanks to OMS.”

What is your fondest memory of OMS?

“Just being an absolute goofball with my friends. OMS encouraged the most fun environment ever and I’ll always be thankful for that. I could really be myself and that helped me gain the confidence to carve my own path in life.”

What is your biggest piece of advice for current or future OMS student-athletes?

“Enjoy every moment. It’s a privilege to ski and ride every day, even if it’s -30 degrees out or 60 degrees and raining.”

Ashley Billings