Celebrating excellence in academic achievement is a cornerstone of our values here at OMS. As we come together to honor the dedicated individuals who have shown outstanding commitment to their studies, we reflect on the hard work, determination, and passion that have led them to this moment. Join us as we highlight the remarkable accomplishments of our OMS student-athletes and applaud their unwavering pursuit of knowledge and growth.
Excellence in Science - Sam Hambsch
Erin Drumm says, “Sam is a motivated and curious student, who demonstrates enthusiasm and commitment daily, both in and outside of the classroom. He does a great job of thinking critically and connecting the scientific concepts that we learn in class to the real world. He is always engaged in class, and puts in the work required to understand physics.”
Excellence in Foreign Language - Max Rabdau
Caroline Fehre says, “Max has been selected for the foreign language award for his exemplary efforts in his Spanish class. Max has gone above and beyond in taking it upon himself to learn as much Spanish as he can during his three months of study at OMS. His persistence and hard work has paid off and I have every confidence that he will continue to study the Spanish language with the same enthusiasm and diligence that he has displayed as a student here.”
Excellence in English Award - Matthew Burns & Olivia Parise
John Rushing says, “This year’s award for Excellence in English is a bit unusual. This award most often goes to a junior or senior taking an AP or Honors course. But this year, not only is the award being presented to an 8th grade student, it is being awarded to two 8th grade students. Olivia Parise and Matt Burns demonstrated excellence this winter in a variety of ways. First, they were both extremely responsible in submitting their completed assignments, most often turning in their work in the evening on the day it was assigned and always being prepared for discussion and more work the next day. Matt and Olivia worked with John in the same 5th period class; and although the texts they studied were different, many of the concepts were similar so that the two of them functioned almost as a unit. Both students also overcame administrative challenges that were out of their control and each worked hard in different ways to always move forward quickly and effectively with their learning. Matt demonstrated an ability above his grade level to tackle complicated texts and so went on to study, analyze and discuss teacher-selected works of literature that are usually offered in 11th or 12th grade. Olivia too showed immediately an ability above her grade level to absorb and write about literary works. Both students are always delightful work partners and each is eager to learn new concepts with a super-positive attitude. OMS is proud to present this year’s award for Excellence in English to Olivia Parise and Matt Burns.”
Excellence in Art - Isla Ulrich
Betsy Johnson & Maura Cornish say, “When it comes to choosing a particular student for an award in art it is almost impossible! However, Isla Ulrich has really been a bright star in the art room this year. She has shown a willingness to try new mediums and projects with enthusiasm and thoughtfulness as well as help her classmates and inspire others.”
Excellence in Math - Dillon Poodiack
Toby Milne says, “Dillon is a stellar math student, dedicated and self-motivated. This award is a testament to his exceptional skills and commitment to academic excellence. His enthusiasm for learning and his hard work have set a high standard for his peers.”
Excellence in History - Graham Stein
Thom Serrani says, “Graham's honors course on the Middle East and Latin America is a comprehensive college level course on the complicated history of both regions. Graham has excelled in all aspects of comprehension and understanding of history as it relates to both regions of the world. He has grasped some very complex issues, articulating their significance in the context of overall global conflict and current day hostilities.”
Greatest Gaines - Simone Costey
Claire Isherwood & Sabrina Easton say, “Simone Costey is truly deserving of the Greatest Gains Award. Her commitment to establishing a routine in her work, paired with her ability to grasp new concepts, sets her apart as a shining example of dedication and growth. Simone's unwavering positivity has not only uplifted those around her but has also been a driving force behind her own success.”