Coaches Pre-Season Training
Okemo Mountain School coaches are getting ready for student-athletes to arrive on Monday, October 29th! In preparation, they completed two informative clinics yesterday to gain more knowledge about how to keep our athletes safe and healthy on and off the hill.
Shelley Davis with Stop the Bleed
Warming up with Noah Labow
One of the clinics was Stop the Bleed, “a national campaign to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives”. The clinic was presented by Shelley Davis, the mother of alpine U-16 athlete, Jonathan Davis, who had a horrific fall, resulting in the ski’s edge cutting his hamstring, lateral quadricep, IT band and femoral artery. Without trained coaches, Jonathan could have lost his leg or worse. After the accident, Shelley was trained in Stop the Bleed, and now makes an effort to educate as many coaches and athletes as possible. Shelley also receives support from the Kelly Brush Foundation and UVM to keep the Stop the Bleed initiative going.
Click here for more information on Jonathan’s accident and Shelley’s journey to help others.
Our OMS coaches also received a training, sponsored by OMARA, from Green Mountain Academy’s Head Freeskiing Coach, Noah Labow, on the importance of trampoline safety. The coaches practiced warm-up techniques to use with student-athletes prior to using the trampoline, along with ways to use the trampoline to as a workout and to work on proper form and technique that can be correlated on the slopes. Needless to say, we can’t wait for dryland training to begin!
Trampoline Safety Clinic with Noah Labow